Friday, February 19, 2010

google images

1. its a robot made out of legos. it can walk and move its arm and talk. you can make it run, and jump, practically anything.

2. its the symbol for the carolina hurricanes. the colors are the colors of a hurricane warning flag. i like it because its my favorite hockey team.

3. its my favorite colors and its my ignitals

4. it would be the carolina hurricanes symbol because its my favorite team.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Choose 2 games. One needs to be internet based and the other needs to be a video game from a gaming console. Describe the sprites and objects. What's the objective of the game? What's the design story of the game?

H.O.R.S.E. internet game
sprites- the ball
objects- computer, ball, wall,basketball net, ground.
objective- the objective is to beat the computer in a game of horse.
design story- the computer has challenge you to a game of horse and said that you will never beat me and you want to prove to the computer that your not a loser that you are a winner.

Nascar 08 video game
sprites- the car you control
objects- the other cars, track, wall, grass, dirt, pit road.
objective- to win the race against the computer
design story- the design story is that it takes you through what it would be like to be a nascar driver by letting you practice, qualify, and race the race to win.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A program were you can make a game or animation.

You would have to go to to download it.
Animals, Vehicles, buildings, people, citys, farms, high school, and control devices.

To creat games and animation

You can make games and animations how ever you like.

It takes to long to make something.

Japense, cow, penguins, football, ice skater.

it was ok it got a little bit irritaited sometimes. no cause i rather play games instead of making them.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Name: Brandon Young

Article link:

Article Title: The Megan Meier MySpace Incident

Its about a girl name Megan Meier from Missouri. Who found a new boy in her hometown but it ended up being different individuals, including adults. They were humiliation her on myspace. Then when she found out the truth about the boy, she later on committed suicide.

My thoughts on this storie is kinda messed up because she killed herself just because the person she though she was talking to was a boy but it was different individuals.

Nothing happen to the bully because they don't know who the bully was because it is different people.

She could of stop talking to the boy she thought she was talking too. When she found out she could of deleted that persons myspace from her friends list.

yea, because i get on myspace a lot and i should watch what I say to certian people. If anyone says something mean just ignore it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

post 3

Post #3
List the four benefits of using a network?

1. They allow many users to access programs and data at the same time. 2. They allow users to share peripheral devices, such as printers and scanners. 3. They make personal communications easier. 4. They make it easy for users and adminstrators to back up important data files.

Differentiate between WANs and LANs?

WANS is two or more LANs Connected together.

Identify at least three common network topologies.

Star, Bus, and Ring.

Insert an image from the web of each.

List four exampls of network operation system software.

Windows xp, windows vista, unix, and linux.

Describe the difference between Client/Server Networks and Peer to Peer Networks.
in which individual computers share the processing and storage workload with a central server.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Derek Hawthorne was a two time Academy Award " screeners" of hollywood movies. He pleaded guilty to two felony charges of uploading copyright movies that made them available to upload them right of the internet. The movies he upload was " The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "Austrlia." He plead gulity in a District Court and was sentence of a maximum of six years in federal prison.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Post #1
What is the purpose of a blog? What pros and cons do you see about blogs? Are they safe? Why/Why not. Explain how blogs could be used as an educational tool.

It helps you to communicate with people. The pros. of a blog is it helps you communicate with people. The cons. of a blog is that it can get people in a lot of trouble. You can talk to your teachers if your haven a hard time understanding stuff. That you went over in class or if you don't understand homework.